Saturday, November 10, 2007


Form the days of my infancy till today the name that comes to my mind when I hear the word freedom is, the name of Bapu or Mahatma Gandhi. Although Bapu was a great man and the driving force behind India's struggle for freedom, people have failed to realize his greatness.

Its been a topic of debate that whether the path of Ahimsa, that Bapu followed in his fight against British a right choice. Well according there was no other way through which we could achieve freedom other than followng the path of non-violence (Ahimsa). No weapon can equal the strength of peace.It has been proven time and again that when everything fails non-violence is the one that prevails.

For every one out there who go on complaining about this great man I suggest that you read his autobiograpy "The Story Of My Experiments With Truth".

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